Public Grievance. Speed Breakers

One man's observations and help. Deliverance for millions if read by those who are in power. Government people are usually "people friendly" and "people caring" who are often wrongly accused by people because some baddies also work there and who are "money conscious" 


Buffalo or Bison type senseless speed breakers. Even if 5 passengers sit on a car without any load in boot, one can still hear a metal sound because the speed breaker rubs the bottom metal portion of a car.

SPEED BREAKERS.   paragraphs created 4 August, 2021
Some persons in road laying department sadistically put up bison or buffalo like speed breakers. Every "low on money" vehicle owner cum driver almost gets a heart attack getting past them. One does not know whom to complain about the idiot or sadist behind the speed breaker. It is waste of material, money, manual labour and torture for hundreds of vehicles that goes over them. This "speed breaker" stupidity on highways will be dealt in soon.
27 July .

Correct size and effective speed breaker but no reflectors on it.

correct size and effective speed breakers

These breakers slow down vehicles. It is not possible to go above 20 kmph speed without hurting vehicle's wheel axle. Their height is less but they do well the purpose of constructing speed breakers. 
I had observed speed breakers constructed even on state highways e.g. from Bavani to Maetoor, in Coimbatore - Sathyamangalam road, CMS School, Ganapathy. I dont know whether they exists today. It was few years back, I was  a beginner driver who drove my car after 11 pm from coimbatore to salem via bavani, koneripatti barage to avoid 2 wheeler traffic. It was dark, i was moving with vehicle headlights. A speed breaker was there (without paint on it) on a straight road where vehicles can move even at 90 kmph. I had to press hard the brakes to avoid hitting it. Somebody had constructed a speed breaker on the highway itself. There must have been a school nearby. If a school starts at 9 a.m, there will be traffic on that road for 30 min. Nobody wants to go to school. They must go. So they all try to go as late as possible. Before 8:30, there will be no traffic at all. After 8:30, for half an hour there will be crowd. The same situation, at the evening. Half an hour before the school and half an hour after the school, school uniform traffic is there. For this traffic, they erect speed breakers on highways that slow down thousands of vehicles, gulping their fuel, creating petty annoyance, mental agony to thousands of drivers, all day. Even at night time, heavy trucks must slow down for no good reason. Sometimes, they construct two as if one is not enough. What type of thinking is this ? Worst case scenario, they dont paint the speed breakers when the paint wears away. At night time, it is as if there is no speed breaker at all. They construct highway sign boards but those sign boards go unnoticed as there are always dozens of advertisement boards around them. I have not come across a single speed breaker with reflectors on them. If there are reflectors inside speed breakers, then drivers will know that  a speed breaker is ahead. 
Camera observation.
Construct a buffalo or bison speed breaker. Put a camera nearby on the front and record the faces of drivers of vehicles. Observe how much distress every driver undergoes. The speed breaker is the work of one mindless, loose minded fool or sadist who make hundreds or thousands undergo distress. One foolish contractor working for Government can make hundreds or thousands of people undergo distress. 
The mileage of hundreds or thousands of vehicles
Speed breakers near entrance of schools where the crowd is only for 30 min in morning and 30 min in evening. What about the mileage of hundreds or thousands of vehicles that go over them all 24 hours. I have observed huge trucks carrying about 5 tonnes + load, slowing down to 10 kmph and again regaining momentum at "NIGHT" TIME. Why should vehicles slow down where there are no persons or nothing on the road. What sense is there behind the construction of speed breakers. 
There will be houses on either sides of road, they will construct two speed breakers there. Sooner or later, every road will have lines of houses on its sides. Maybe they will erect dozen speed breakers for a length of 1 km (one km) because every house will have children, so there will be a speed breaker for every house. Those who are driving on the roads do not go and hit individuals. They are simply going on road. It is the individual with "suicidal" tendency or "getting hurt" tendency who go in the line of vehicles or allow vehicles to hit them. 
Imagine instead of road, it is a fire line. The road is on fire. An individual goes on it and gets hurt. Who is to be blamed. The fire or the individual. The fire was simply there, it is the stupid individual with suicidal tendency who went over it. Likewise, the drivers are driving vehicles over road. They do not intend to hit anybody. They are simply going. Why are they constructing speed breakers. 

Constructing speed breakers on highways or lengthy straight roads is as stupid as constructing speed breakers on railway tracks to slow down trains. Imagine speed breakers on railway tracks. A train that is moving at 100 kmph slows down, comes to 10 kmph, goes over speed breaker, the engine section goes up and then comes down. Likewise all wheels of carriages go up and then down. IT IS DEFINETELY STUPID. That is what happens to 8 cars moving in line over speed breakers. When the traffic signal is green, the flow is like a train, instead of carriages, they are small, small vehicles. It is the same. 

Less height and effective speed breakers on junctions
If the Indian wheel clearance limit is 170 mm, few seem to erect speed breaker at height of 165 mm. If five fatties will sit on a old car, they are done for OR if an army truck will move over it with tonnes of nuclear warheads on it, it will be impossible to cross. In many places, the reverse happens. They erect speed breakers on lengthy straight roads but leave the small roads that join it - level ground. 

Speed breakers every 100 meters

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